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ICA Group Case Study: the BIO paints used for the PigafettaPingüinos installation at EXPO2020

From ICA Group website:

Here is the PigafettaPinguinos installation hosted by the Chilean pavilion: new routes for a sustainable future. Arborea BIO coatings at EXPO Dubai In the Chilean pavilion, Margherita Michelazzo’s penguins carry a message of new discoveries and sustainability. From October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, at EXPO Dubai, the Chilean pavilion is hosting the PigafettaPinguinos project by Italian artist Margherita Michelazzo. We will also be there in spirit, through our Arborea BIO coatings. We would like to introduce this wonderful installation by the artist, which is an opportunity to consider the theme of sustainability and reaffirm our commitment to the environment. PigafettaPinguinos at the Chilean pavilion “Connecting minds, creating the future” is the theme of the Expo Dubai event. The goal is to join forces and share new discoveries for a sustainable future. The Chilean pavilion has decided to communicate this message through the work PigafettaPinguinos, by artist Margherita Michelazzo. The installation considers the past and future of our planet, and the discoveries that guide us towards greater awareness. The pavilion, which is painted red, reminds us of an Antarctic base. We are welcomed at the entrance by the 38 penguins created by the artist. The models depict Spheniscus magellanicus, a species typical of the Strait of Magellan, described by Antonio Pigafetta, the scholar who documented the first circumnavigation of the globe following Ferdinand Magellan. 2021 saw celebration of the fifth centenary of the first voyage around the globe. Spheniscus magellanicus is a symbol of voyage, research and discovery. “The idea that these penguins, created for a celebratory installation in Vicenza, the birthplace of Pigafetta, can journey around the globe, ties in closely with Magellan’s voyage. They represent a new type of voyage. Not one of conquest, but a call for awareness in order to protect our planet.” This is a quote from the invite to the Expo event. The penguins remind us of the importance of the ability to adapt and the never-ending search for new routes. New routes: materials for green construction and BIO coatings The 38 penguins are created in wood from the forests of the Dolomites felled by Mediterranean storm Vaia. The European spruce was processed and transformed by the Consorzio Progetto Legno Veneto timber consortium into X-LAM panels, a new material used in green construction. For the finish, our Arborea BIO coatings were selected, which are made of non-toxic, plant-based and ecological renewable raw materials, and created using manufacturing processes with reduced CO2 emissions. Margherita Michelazzo’s penguins invite us to undertake a voyage of discovery of new solutions, to inhabit our planet with greater awareness. The destination? A sustainable future. Other important promoters of the PigafettaPinguinos project for Expo Dubai are:

  • the “La Vigna” International Library of Vicenza which presented the project to mark the 5th centenary celebrations with the support of President Remo Pedon

  • the national and international body for the endorsement of timber and forests (PEFC), with the support of national secretary Antonio Brunori

  • the Veneto regional authority with the support of Vice President of the Regional Council, Nicola Finco.

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